Leisure Horse Ireland prides itself in consistently providing an excellent, efficient and cost-effective service to its owners and breeders.
You are obliged by local laws to register as the owner within 30 days of taking possession.
Before completing the transaction, ensure the transponder in the horse matches the passport and all other details in the passport correctly identify the horse. It is illegal to sell a horse on a passport with known errors. If you accept a passport with errors, you are obliged to have it corrected immediately and you will incur considerable costs doing so.
The new owner completes an ownership declaration form and sends off with the passport to us for updating.
Regrettably these days sending anything between UK and EU is not straight forward as there are now customs considerations. The reality is a Horse Passport in itself has no value, only to the equine it is associated with and the equine owner. Therefore, when sending the item you will need to complete a customs declaration (The CN 22 label is supplied by your post office or courier).
Ensure the customs declaration is completed as follows, otherwise the item will be delayed and rejected by customs and eventually returned to you:
• Tick that the package contains “DOCUMENTS”
• State that is has “ZERO” value and
• A customs TARIC code of 4911990000
It is also advisable to send it to us by registered post.
When you get the passport back, you must also have the passport over stamped by a UK agency of your choosing to have the details uploaded to the UK Central Equine Database (CED).